Hoopers Workshop-would your dog like to have a go at this exciting new sport?
Hoopers is a new hoop, tunnel and cone game. Originally invented for dogs who can no longer do agility due to age or illness or are too young to start. This fascinating new discipline involves no jumping or obstacles but still provides owner and dog with an interesting way of building a bond and keeping fit with no stress on joints. To come on the workshop dogs need to be at least 6 months old and have no behavioural problems and be capable of a 20 second wait. The first workshop will be held Saturday 22nd June at 10.45am cost £10.00. Trainers are Bronwen and Sandra.
To book your place please click here
Best Wishes Bronwen Bell-Batchelor Club Manager
PS Please don’t forget to book your next Explorer Walk which is Tuesday June 18th at Sheringham Park