Fun Dog Show-Ingham- Saturday 20th August

Fun Dog Show-Ingham- Saturday 20th August Fun dog show at Ingham Church Fete, held in the grounds of THE VILLAGE HALL Ingham, nr Stalham, Norfolk, NR12 9TD Judges,Esther Furbank Sharon Potter, Sat 20th August,Judging starts prompt at 1.00pm Classes 1. Best Child  Handler (under 12 ) Sponsored by….Broadland House Veterinary Surgery, Stalham 2. Best Veteran…


The secret to a long and healthy life – get a dog!

After a long dark winter there’s nothing as refreshing as a walk with your dog on a beautiful spring morning. Had a tough day?  What could lift your spirits more than being greeted by a happily wagging tail when you get home? Recent studies show that those of us who own a pet are usually…


Fun Dog Show 6th of June Aldborough

Fun Dog Show 6th of June Aldborough Aldborough Village Care (a charity which provided lunches and transport to medical appointments) are holding a Village Fair and Dog Show on Saturday June 6th from 12.00-4.00pm. There will also be stalls, refreshments including barbecue, a fairground organ, a bouncy castle, children’s activities, go-carts and much more. The…


Your dog’s training-term starts next week​

Your dog’s training-term starts next week​ Hi Everyone If you have booked and paid for your winter training course you will have received an e-mail confirming your place and we look forward to seeing you next week. If you would still like to join us but have not yet booked and paid for a  course we still…


Remember, remember the 5th of November!

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November Carnival & Religious celebrations, Bonfire Night and New Year – we enjoy fireworks year round, but they can be a source of fear for many animals.  If not addressed, noise phobias tend to get worse over time so it’s always best to be prepared. Here’s the Animal Magic Dog Club…


Free puppy socialisation and advice workshops.

Free puppy socialisation and advice workshops. Toll Barn Vets  1st Sept at 6.30pm North Walsham Miramar Vets 2nd Sept 12.30pm Cromer To book your place please contact Kathy, Club Secretary as soon as possible, please note that places do fill quickly so please discuss your requirements before your puppy is fully vaccinated. Phone Club secretary    01263 720730…


Fun Dog Show Sat 15th August

Fun Dog Show  at  Ingham Church Fete To be held in the grounds of THE VILLAGE HALL Ingham, nr Stalham, Norfolk ,NR12 9TD  Sat 15th August Judging starts prompt at 1.00pm 16 Classes, Rosettes 1st to 5th place plus  Fun & Games,Fastest Recall and Sausage Gobbling Race. Dog show enquiries and programmes only 01692 580090 or 650027 Email; [email protected]


Customer feedback

Customer feedback A recent customer survey of beginners classes showed that: 100% of customers would recommend us to family and friends 100% of customers found our web site and pre course contact easy and efficient 94% of customers rated our facilities fabulous 97% of customers rated the training as meeting the needs of their dog…
