New dog training classes starting soon

New dog training classes starting soon. Hi Everyone we have the following additional classes starting in Feb: Monday 16th Feb Beginners agility term 1 11.30am Friday 20th Feb Foundation Puppy 9.30am Sunday 22nd Feb Foundation Puppy fast track 11.00am Don’t forget if you have booked for the Winter Term, that courses start from week commencing Monday 2nd of Feb (you…


Fun Dog Show-Ingham- Saturday 20th August

Fun Dog Show-Ingham- Saturday 20th August Fun dog show at Ingham Church Fete, held in the grounds of THE VILLAGE HALL Ingham, nr Stalham, Norfolk, NR12 9TD Judges,Esther Furbank Sharon Potter, Sat 20th August,Judging starts prompt at 1.00pm Classes 1. Best Child  Handler (under 12 ) Sponsored by….Broadland House Veterinary Surgery, Stalham 2. Best Veteran…
